Dr. Andreas Gehlert, M.A.
(University of Massachusetts/Amherst), Ph.D.
Andreas Gehlert, Senior Editor, is the founder and managing director of Gehlert GmbH, Legal and Financial Translation.
Dr. Gehlert studied finance and liberal arts in Freiburg, Frankfurt and Amherst. He specializes in financial communications with
an emphasis on text revision and oversees complex projects.
Contact: andreas.gehlert@gehlert-translations.de
Gehlert GmbH
Rechts- und Finanzübersetzungen
Heinrich-Hertz-Straße 5
60486 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: +49 (0) 69 72 09 80
Fax: +49 (0) 69 72 09 82
E-Mail: andreas.gehlert@gehlert-translations.de
Internet: www.gehlert-translations.de
Dr. Andreas Gehlert
“Our clients are highly-qualified specialists. They demand translations on
level that is adequate to
their own expertise.”
Our office hours are:
Monday through Friday
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
(please call us if you need assistance outside of our
office hours)
For a quick estimate, please send us your source file by
© Gehlert GmbH 2019